Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Prescription Pills; Friend or foe

Prescription Medicine, Drugs, Parenting

A issue gripping this nation, that the average American is unaware of, is the dangers of prescription medicine. Every day, new meds hit the market, often only after minor testing. If this is not bad enough, a large amount of this medicine in directed at young children. A startling fact, is that over the past ten years, Bi-Polar diagnosis’s have increased by over 4000%. The increase is not due to a increase in bi-polar. But merely because doctors and pharmaceutical companies will do anything for a buck these days, even if that means forcing untested medicine down the throats of children.

Personally, I think that it is just ridiculous that one would even attempt to say that a six year old could be bi-polar, because it is the nature of a young child to be unable to control their emotions.

I sure hope that in the future, parents smarten up and realize that good parenting can cure almost anything, not DRUGS.

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